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PADI Mermaid Courses

Discover Mermaid The Discover Mermaid™  experience is a program that introduces participants to simple mermaid activities in shallow, confined water (e.g. a pool you can stand in). It’s a highly flexible, and brief program, that lets you try mermaiding to see how you like it. Find Out More

Mermaid The PADI Mermaid course has at least two water sessions: the Basic Mermaid session plus an additional session, which adds more dynamic mermaid skills. Many of these are the expressive, fun skills that separate mermaid diving from other types of diving, and include several that are sure to impress an audience. Find Out More

Advanced Mermaid The PADI Advanced Mermaid™  course includes all of the skills you’ll master in the PADI Mermaid course, plus two additional sessions in open water – that is, a natural, local body of water, or purpose-built site, significantly larger than a pool, suited to mermaid diving – making your mer... Find Out More
